Let’s Move!

30 Jan 2009



28 Jan 2009

ah, speechless…


The Elusive Uniburn

23 Dec 2008

I came across these photos while going through some old stuff. This was the uniburn at one point in it’s reign. Unfortunately there are no photos of it at its most glorious stage but this is still pretty good.

El Derby de Kentucky

23 Dec 2008

Alright sweet suite mates. Who is still reading this blog? More importantly, who wants to meet up at the Kentucky derby this year?! It’s been too long since I’ve seen some of you and way too long since I’ve seen all of you.

Alex said he could help figure out details like how to smuggle alcohol in and other important things, like getting tickets.

Any interest?

Happy Kwanzaa, hugs and kisses

So Here We Are…

16 Dec 2008

A buddy at work sent this out.  It’s funny, but also…well, something else.


Here’s to American ingenuity.  Cheers…


4 Dec 2008

I found this today and thought of you guys.



After we find the money for the underground missile base, we can use this thing to get around.

New Toy

14 Nov 2008

After years of hand-me-down vehicles for cheap from my parents, I finally bought one that I wanted.  Kate and I picked up a VW Vanagon on Monday down in Portland.  Here are some photos the previous owner took recently:


After I do some work to it, I’ll post some more photos.

This thing is screaming for a road trip, or at least some good skiing.  Anytime you guys want to get away for a while, just let me know.

I hope all is well.  Oh, and by the way, just to get get a spark, I have 2 words for you guys –

bachelor parties.

Strangely Satisfying Sight

4 Nov 2008

How does voting make you feel?

Eine Kleine Update

24 Oct 2008

The great ‘mostly solo’ product development engineering project that has occupied more than a year and a half of my newly minted engineering “career” is over for a while.  I went from a hurried effort to release parts for manufacturing on a Friday to 4 new projects on the following Monday.  I will admit that it was a real shock to the system to have to keep up with hours for clients and have hard deliverables, but I’m almost completely adjusted now.  God help me.

That being said, things are going well.  I’m making an effort to get out more this winter, which I’m really excited about.  The first snow fell at Stevens Pass a few days ago, and I hope we get dumped on again this winter, though it will be tough to match last winter.  I also have a trip set up with my boss and some his buddies to summit Mt. St. Helens in January.  I’m about 60% confident that this will actually occur, and it should be a good time if it does.  I’m going to start Telemark skiing as soon as I can, and the goal is to be able to skin up St. Helens somewhat efficiently and ski back down.

Kate and I are going to look at a ’82 VW Vanagon Westphalia on Saturday morning.  It’s in the neighborhood, and looks to be in good shape.  The folks who own it drove it to Panama and back without any trouble, and just had their 3rd kid, so the van is now approximately useless.  Note to self:  Kids seem to be quite disruptive to life.

I think this would significantly increase the amount of climbing and skiing we do in the winter.  It’s difficult to convince ourselves to go with all the guilt over energy usage – especially if we can only go for one day (nobody wants to pay for ski-resort area hotel rooms).  Camping in the Westy will make it easier to go for a whole weekend, making it a better value proposition.

However, I’m not sure how excited Kate is about this scheme…

Otherwise, I’m occupied with the routine of daily life as an engineer.  I’ve been going to Crossfit fairly regularly, but need to be better about it.  I’ve met a couple of people there that I had noticed as really solid climbers at the rock gym we go to.  I’m excited about the classes, and though I’ve had my ass handed to me a number of times there, I’ve had lots of fun.  I highly recommend working out in a “class” format, where everybody else is in the same boat as you.  You know, like high school sports, but with better coaches.

James, we’re probably going to miss Thanksgiving in LA.  I think we’re going to pinch our pennies and hang out here with the local crowd.

I hope you guys are all doing well –


Phoney post

3 Oct 2008

A while ago I got an iPhone, and quickly afterward downloaded the wordpress app. Naturally I was sure this would lower blog post activation energy enough for me to be an active participant in this gig, but it’s clear how that worked out. Mostly I was afraid about the big post I would have to write in order to get people up to speed on what I was doing, but. You know what. Screw it. So here, devoid of context, is a pic from near where I now (as of 2 weeks ago) work, Dorchester mass. I’m supposedly developing a strategic plan for a local economic development company (www.dbedc.com). Long story. Anyhoo, rough neighborhood.